
Intersecciones para ciclistas

Protected Intersections For Bicyclists from Nick Falbo on Vimeo . Protected bike lanes are the latest approach US cities are taking to help their residents get around by bike. But these protected lanes lose their buffer separation at intersections, reducing the comfort and safety for people riding. What the protected bike lane needs is the protected intersection. This proposal for the George Mason University 2014 Cameron Rian Hays Outside the Box Competition presents a vision for a safe, clear intersection design that improves conditions for all users. Proper design of refuge islands, crossing position and signal timing can create a safe intersection that people of all ages and abilities would feel safe in. Learn more online at ProtectedIntersection.com Un interesante análisis para mejorar enormemente el uso de bicicletas y una solución creativa en las intersecciones de calles y avenidas.

Errantes, un corto sobre la exploración espacial.

Wanderers - a short film by Erik Wernquist from Erik Wernquist on Vimeo . For more information and stills gallery, please turn to: www.erikwernquist.com/wanderers (Just in case my website runs slow, here is a link to an imgur album version of the gallery: http://imgur.com/a/Ur5dP) Wanderers is a vision of humanity's expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like, if it ever happens. The locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos and map data where available. Without any apparent story, other than what you may fill in by yourself, the idea of the film is primarily to show a glimpse of the fantastic and beautiful nature that surrounds us on our neighboring worlds - and above all, how it might appear to us if we were there. CREDITS: VISUALS - Erik Wernquist - erik@erikwernquist.com MUSIC - Cristian Sandquist - cristiansandquist@ma...

Revit Guatemala: Trucos Revit: Cargar un nuevo patrón de relleno

Revit Guatemala: Trucos Revit: Cargar un nuevo patrón de relleno : A veces nos vemos en la necesidad de usar un Patrón de Relleno diferente de los que tiene Revit , la fuente más grande de Patrones de Rel...


Como parte de dar a conocer al público lo que es Revit, estaré colaborando en el blog de Revit Guatemala como un colaborador más, primero se publicarán en el Blog de Revit Guatemala, a la semana siguiente verán el mismo tema en este blog o un enlace que los direccionará a la nueva entrada, así que verán muy pronto temas concerniente al mundo BIM y específicamente en el software de Autodesk llamado Revit. BIMvenidos.

Marca de Alzado - Elevation Mark "Revit 2015"

Como crear las marcas de Alzado en Revit 2015

Texto 3D Relieve hundido - 3D Text "Sunk relief" Revit 2015

Crear un relieve hundido usando la herramienta de texto 3D de Revit.

Puerta abocinada - Splayed arch door: Revit 2015

Crear un vano especial para puerta, este procedimiento aplica para cualquier vacío que necesiten y que no se rectangular